Friday, May 22, 2009

Bush part II

Yesterday, our president made a speech, in which he introduced a new policy called "Preventative Detention," in which we are allowed to indefinitely detain individuals that our Government deems dangerous, or "likely engage in violent acts in the future."

This is the same President who, just months ago, was calling for the closure of Gitmo, and then followed through with procedures to begin closing it.

Maybe he misunderstood...most Americans (mostly Democrats, Independents, and level-headed Republicans) wanted Gitmo closed because it is simply AGAINST the rule of law (a term that Obama used frequently in his speech to criticize the Bush Administration) to detain an individual indefinitely without a trial...not because the terrorists get to live in a sweet Cuban resort.

And he has the balls to give this speech right in front of the Constitution...proverbial middle fingers in the air.

The fact that this has become a partisan issue (so many Democrats who criticized Bush are jumping on board now that Obama is behind it) is sickening, as well as the fact that he has the nerve to criticize Bush in this same speech.

Read what Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Greenwald have to say about it here.
And here is MSNBC's (pretty biased, I must admit) coverage of the speech. (I'm sure a few more seconds of searching will get you the actual full speech, if you can stomach it.)